Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 20 - I can't believe it

I cannot believe I'm already to day 20 of 21. I know everyone probably says this - but now that I'm here, the past few weeks do not seem like cleanse. I have rarely craved desserts and have had no desire for breads or pastas! This week I've been living off of ground turkey made into taco salad...yum! And chicken and rice! I've also had salmon and lots of eggs. I still eat lots of fresh veggies with hummus for snacks and I always have fruit between meals and for dessert. I now take green tea with me in the mornings and it helps to curb my hunger. Oh, and I can't forget the yummy Progressive soups I've had!
Thinking back to day 2/3 I wanted to literally jump through the TV and eat the Wendy's chicken nuggets that I saw advertised! I also almost strangled Aaron in order to get to his chips and queso. Those days were tough, but I have prevailed! I can honestly say that I do want to try to keep this up! I have a new appreciation for eating healthy. It takes a little more work and time, but the rewards are great. I feel better, I feel proud of myself, and I have a little less of a spare tire...yay! Although I can't wait to maybe have some cheese, or maybe even a bite of pizza, I think I can say that I am going to continue to try to give my body the kind of foods that it needs to live strong and healthy.

Oh, and I hope I'm not trying to make this sound easy and care-free. It's not. There were days that I wanted to quit or I just felt tired and run down. But after about Day 7 I had a lot more energy and saw the results happen. Also, I was blessed that Aaron ate a lot of things I did, or he would make sure he ate in another room or before I got home from work if possible. I also forgot to mention that on Day 17 I woke up feeling dizzy and faint and almost passed out. I went to work late and ended up leaving early because the feelings came back. Not sure if that had anything to do with the cleanse or not, but I wanted to tell you the not-so-fun parts as well as the fun parts.

If you are interested in taking part of the 21 day cleanse, I encourage you to check out Dr. Cindy's blog, where I go the idea to do it. She's done it twice the past year and has great recipes.

Anyway, thanks for your prayers! I'll try to post some final thoughts when tomorrow ends! Oh, and starting Feb 1, Aaron and I be attempting start Weight Watchers. It worked for me when I wanted to lose weight for my wedding and we are ready to start eating more in moderation, and Weight Watchers is great for that! I'll keep you posted!

Happy Eating (or Cleansing)


1 comment:

  1. I am sooo proud of you! You did it all by yourself and you stayed strong until the end. Now lets see some pics of YOU on here! Man, we should have got before and after the 7 lbs! Haha. You will never ever regret eating healthy as a lifestyle!
