Friday, March 19, 2010

What was I thinking?

Hello Friends,

It's been way to long since I've updated you on my never ending journey of living life to the fullest. As many of you know, I am very goal oriented. After completed the ridiculous, wonderful cleanse in January, I realized I need a new goal and determined that would be running a 10k. What was I thinking?

For those of you who watched me play basketball and volleyball growing up, you might be asking yourself that same question. What is she thinking? To clue the rest of you in, running was not my favorite thing, nor was I ever the fastest girl on the court - far from it. The truth is - I want to push myself to do something I never thought I could do (and never really wanted to). Running was never fun for me, but it is starting to become a stress reliever and something I enjoy. Still didn't say it was fun...but it's becoming enjoyable. I also get to spend time catching up with my running buddies - you know who you are.

Last night, I had the lonely task of running by myself. I hate doing that. I'm a little ADD so I get really bored. I found this really awesome song on my ipod and played it 10 times in a row. It really got me in the zone. It's Francesca Battistelli's Unpredictable. So as I'm running I hear the line "So, help me rest in the mystery of what I can't understand" - and I get a revelation of sorts. I'm no very good at "resting". I always seemed to be worried about the future or I try to have the future planned out. This song was such a great reminder that I can "rest" easy knowing that the Creator of the Universe has a great plan for me and I need to stop worrying.

The 10k (6.2 miles) is on April 11...24 days from now. I'm looking forward to it, and I'm a little nervous about running that far on race day! For those avid runners out there - Do you have any tips for me for the next 24 days? I have a training schedule but any advice you could offer would be appreciated!

So, I guess running has done me some good and I'm looking forward to the 10k and to what my future holds!

Send advice and prayers my way!
