Friday, April 16, 2010

Run a 10k - check!

After my highschool basketball coaches forcing me to run unimaginable amounts I never thought I'd ever have the desire to run without anyone forcing me! Well, all that changed in the past year and I've realized it's a fun and free way to stay in shape and loose a little weight. Last October Jamie Zeller and I ran a 5k together and had a great time. We'd taken a little break for Christmas and I knew I really needed to get back into running. My friend Vanessa Petrea had the great idea to run the Cap 10k in downtown Austin and I just decided to go for it. Vanessa and I ran anywhere from 3-5 miles every weekend and we ran on our own during the week. I never though I'd ever be able to run 6 miles without stopping, but I was determined to finish the race!

Race day was last Sunday in downtown Austin. I was extremely nervous. I was nervous about what to eat before, what to wear, and I think I went to the restroom every 5 minutes just to be safe. It was a cloudy and drizzly day and I was surrounded by 20,000 people running the same race. Once the race started routine set in and I had a blast. Vanessa has been an awesome running buddy and we chatted for most of the time and we met our goal of running the entire way! I had a great time and I'm proud that I actually ran that long!

I know now that I need a goal in order to keep running so we have decided to run a 1/2 marathon in November. Not sure what I was thinking, saying yes to that, but I'm excited about meeting this new goal! Who would have thought I'd become a "runner". A really slow one, but a "runner" nontheless!